Melting Sea Ice Is Making the Northwest Passage More Dangerous

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2024-07-15 18:09:00

Wandering 1,400Km to the Northwest Passage

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2024-07-08 23:07:33

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2024-03-16 21:07:33

Watch the treacherous journeys out of wildfire-hit Canada

Shocking video of smoke-filled routes are shared online as deadlines to evacuate the Northwest Territories looms.
2023-08-18 14:58:15

Thousands scramble to evacuate capital of Canada's Northwest Territories as more than 200 'unprecedented' wildfires blanket region

Thousands of residents are rushing to evacuate the capital of Canada's Northwest Territories as more than 200 fires burn across the region, leaving many to face dangerous road conditions or stand in line for hours for desperately needed emergency flights.
2023-08-18 14:17:35

The entire capital city of Canada's Northwest Territories has been ordered to evacuate as hundreds of wildfires scorch the region, officials say

Hundreds of wildfires burning in Canada's Northwest Territories have prompted emergency declarations and the evacuation of the capital city of Yellowknife by road and air.
2023-08-18 01:07:22

Canada wildfire: Car 'began melting' as family evacuated north

A blaze is threatening to reach Yellowknife, the capital of the Northwest Territories, by the weekend.
2023-08-17 05:30:56

Deadly blast at barbecue restaurant in northwest China kills 31

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2023-06-22 09:12:00

Deadly blast at barbecue restaurant in northwest China kills 31

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2023-06-22 08:10:46

Blast at BBQ shop in northwest China kills 31

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2023-06-22 05:08:43

Family says man killed by US strike in Syria was father of ten out grazing sheep

A drone strike carried out by the US military this month in northwest Syria killed a 56-year-old father of ten out grazing his sheep, his relatives have told CNN, hours after US Central Command said a civilian may have been killed in the operation.
2023-05-20 11:08:45


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